
I am starting this blog to be able to write to my heart's content. I dont want to advertise this blog but I would want people to chance on it and give their comments. This is the first of many contradictions that will make up this blog

Location: India

Monday, February 27, 2006

Things are looking up

There are some things which are becoming increasingly important in the daily scheme of things. Writing, learning the guitar, seeing the sea shore early in the morning, washing Shashi's car (though I dont want to talk about that at all) exactly in that order.
Experts say that a novel has to be at least 70000 words long before it leaves the short story territory and graduates from the novella genre. Stephen King says that you need to self edit after you write the first draft of your novel with the thumb rule in mind that Final version = First version - 10%. That effectively means that the first version has to be at least 80000 words before you can sit in the armchair and congratulate yourself on a job well done.
Was doing an approximate word count the other day and I have reached the 8000 mark. That means I am at 10% of the magnum opus (Hopefully not the 10% that will eventually get edited). With my irregular writing habits, the 8000 words have taken approximately a year to find their way into my notebook. At this rate, I will start looking for a publisher in 2015. Sounds really promising!!!!

Guitar classes started yesterday. The teacher (I am supposed to call him master and maybe he will call me slave) looks good from the music perspective. He seems like a pain from all other perspectives. He did me a big favour. He tuned my guitar. So, at least I can try out a few things on my own. He made me happy yestarday by praising my guitar. He said I would have to pay double of what I paid for the guitar if I had bought it in Chennai. Thats why Kolkata is special. I have to make him teach me how to tune the guitar so that I dont have to depend on him too much.

I walked (briskly, courtesy Shashi) to the sea shore in the morning. It was nice. I love the house I am staying in. It has inner peace. And it has the sea 5 minutes away. And I have no intention of writing about washing Shashi's car. I want to forget I did it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to read about the rest of the day's activities ...including 'washing sashi's car'

February 27, 2006  
Blogger elango said...

found lot of relevant data. Once you start something and you like the output very much you will do the same act with more passion and regularity. so i see it happeneing well before 2015(may be 2014)

March 02, 2006  

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